Hi guys! So I am going to also be including lessons in human design on my channel because I love human design and I love sharing about it and I assume that some of you guys come here because you want to learn more. Now I do obviously have some presentations, and you can keep up to date on when those presentations will come out via my website, or you can sign up for my newsletter because I always announce it through there.
However, I’m going to ask you to like and subscribe to this channel though so that encourages me more to bring out more lessons and more courses for you. So the first lesson I’m going to discuss is definition because a lot of people don’t really look at their definition. But it actually does play a huge role into how you interact with others and it has to do with your overall circuitry but it’s really quite simple.
So I’m going to break down the four types of definition. Now technically there is five but one that is considered no definition which is actually a reflector and it makes you a very unique type. So if all of your centers are white that means you have no definition and you should be doing some research on “what does it mean to be a reflector” because definition doesn’t impact you. It’s having no different definition at all that does make you you and has to do with how you engage in life.
Now like I said definition relates to your overall circuitry and helps you understand what you subconsciously seek in others and what your areas are most important for conditioning. So those areas where your shadows get stuck in depending on your definition one area will impact you more than the other. So let’s dive right in.
Single Definition
Single definition is approximately 41% of the population. This means all channels and defined centers are connected in one continuous flow. You can see this in the example that it’s going to be where there’s no breaks in the centers that are defined. It could be that you only have two centers that are defined but there’s still that single channel that connects them.
Single definition is considered whole. It means that your energy flows quickly and smoothly and information is processed a lot quicker. You don’t need somebody else or the planets to create a bridge of connection.
People that have a single definition project a sense of independence and strength to them. As for conditioning centers are going to be your biggest source. For your defined centers you need to reflect on whether or not they may have been conditioned in childhood. Learn about what each center is and how it is meant to be expressed
versus what shadows it can create.
Then you want to look at your undefined or open centers. These are the centers that you will seek out to be defined in your relationships subconsciously. If you’re currently in a relationship you may want to assess if they are currently in alignment with your energy or are they influencing you in any way.
If you have a center that is completely open meaning no defined gates, no little dots within that gate, it is most susceptible to conditioning and is often expressed in the shadow state. So that will be one center you will really want to work on.
Split Defintion
Split definition is 46% of the population. These are two separate areas of definition that are not connected to each other. You can see here how the ajna and the throat are connected and then the sacral and the root.
This is actually my definition and it’s something that is called a wide split. It means an entire channel is needed to become whole or singly defined. There are also smaller splits where you only need a gate instead of a full channel to feel that wholeness.
So for splits the gates are actually will be what showcases your shadows and childhood conditioning more than those centers. Especially hanging gates meaning gates that are missing a partner.
If you have circuitry in the integrated channels especially meaning gates 10, 34, 20, or 57. If you possess some but not all four you’ll want to see how those gates in particular have impacted you. Are you expressing them in the true self or the not self? Because these gates are very potent and will affect how you behave and engage with others.
Now the main difference between a wide and a sometimes called a simple split it means that you may feel like you’re lacking something very specific. You don’t really know what it is but it’s almost like you feel like it’s on the tip of your tongue or you’ll just know it when you find it because then I’ll feel whole.
For a wide split it is more of a vague sense that something’s missing. You don’t really know what it is but it makes you feel a bit empty or even maybe you feel broken because you think that something needs to be fixed. You might be the one that’s always searching for therapy or actively engaging in deep self exploration to find these answers.
However, whether you are a smaller wide split it does not mean something is missing or that you’re broken. You are still a whole person and it’s just an energetic expression to encourage connection. Is your mind finding a narrative behind the energy because it may not feel very comfortable for you?
In human design we are not meant to be guided by our mind but the body so self-awareness is crucial to understand the difference. I emphasize this because you may mistakenly blame another for this feeling in the relationship or end it because you think “oh they’re not fulfilling you.” This is something missing and I don’t know what it is.
With that being said all split definitions including triple and quad must be very careful when they get into relationships because splits feel a need to be in a relationship whereas a singly defined person may not feel the pull as much. Small and wide splits are actually responsible for monogamy and pair bonding. We are meant to teach each other and other definitions how to be in relationships if the alignment is correct.
This definition also makes it the hardest when it comes to breaking the relationship especially if the other person has what makes you feel whole. They will give you this sense of peace or groundness or even calmness and this will be very very hard to break because it makes you feel like you are literally losing a piece of yourself because technically you are.
Now that does not mean if you are split and you come across somebody and they make you feel whole that person is the person for you. The whole concept of twin flames and soulmates is where this energy comes out of. It makes you feel like “oh my god yeah this is the person for me. I cannot imagine living my life without him.” So you’ll hang on to it even if it’s not good for you.
The important point is that when it comes to human design and connection has to do with how you’re entering the relationship correctly. Did you follow your strategy when entering the relationship?
Now while you’re in the relationship let’s say you entered it correctly and you pull the connection chart and it says oh my gosh you guys are perfect for each other. You guys will be together forever right? Well no it doesn’t really work that way either because you have to remember that the other person also has to be in alignment and it takes two to be in a relationship.
So if somebody is not in alignment it does not matter what the charts say. It doesn’t matter if they fulfill you if they’re whole, if you’re split because if they are in the not-self or if they’re dealing with a lot of shadows they are not going to fulfill that side of the design. You will hold on to it thinking it’s going to change or something’s going to get better but it won’t if that person isn’t willing to change.
This was some this is actually a really hard lesson for me to learn because according to my human design my ex and I should have been perfect together. I mean we had the best chart you could get. We were a score of 8-1, no compromise channels, and we connected through love gates and we entered the relationship correctly but he was in the not- self. So every aspect that made me feel whole also made me feel very small. I felt unheard and not seen and he was also a split and I had what made him feel whole but he didn’t feel worthy of it and in turn it made me feel worthless to him.
Triple Split
Now a triple split is 11% of the population and this is three separate areas of definition that are not connected to each other. Now this type is meant to explore different cultures and environments because they’re meant to be exposed to different types of auras. These are the digital nomads, RV living, world explorer type people.
Now if that is something you can’t do there will always be this longing to travel and you may have a desire to even move around a lot. I have two close friends that are triple splits. One is currently living abroad constantly hopping around to a different country every time I talk to her. Another moved around so much in her life until she got married and settled down. Now she’s not able to travel as much and it’s actually suffocating her. It’s causing problems in their marriage because her significant other doesn’t understand the need or drive that causes her to want to travel.
Other than the need to go out and explore, triples can be very impatient and impulsive at times due to these uneasy feelings of scattered energy. However other times you’re going to feel very centered, focused, driven, ambitious, and assertive. It’s because who you surround yourself with will influence this or it will be because of the planetary transits.
Now triples can be get addicted to people when they give a specific energy and it can make you distort your decision-making authority because the ones that ground you will drive and drive you will be hard to let go of. This is the case when a triple split enters a 9-0 connection. It’s almost like the other person is going to make them feel very grounded that is you’re the one that they complete you. You’ll enjoy it and feel very secure for a while, however it’s going to start to suffocate you because then you’re going to start to feel trapped and not know how to get out of it.
It’s like this internal dichotomy for a triple because they need to be social with a need to escape. When you feel the pull to want to retreat make sure you honor that because it will help you rediscover who you are.
Now as for conditioning your centers are going to be your biggest source of conditioning because you may need more than one channel or gate to complete you. Now those channels that bridge the split though can also become areas of conditioning but the centers will be the area that you’ll want to look at first because that’s would be the most impactful.
Quad Split
Lastly, we have the quad split and this is only 0.5 of the population. Obviously this is rare. In fact it’s more rare than a reflector or non-definition.
Now this is going to be somebody that’s very fixed. They will have eight or all centers defined. That makes gates or channels the ones that will be most impacted by conditioning for you. Your centers will be something you may want to review though for childhood trauma being so fixed.
Now quads may appear slow in development or growing up because it’s going to seem like they might even have like a learning disability but it’s because it takes them longer to process information. They don’t have a disability at most times.
They aren’t able to make decisions as quickly as others and they can also come off very stubborn and rigid. Trying to force the quad to comply with someone else’s expectations could be very traumatic for them or even destructive to them and in response they might rebel in their younger years and become resistant to change in their later years.
Now quads have a hard time committing to one person. They may have affairs or prefer to have open relationships or even engage in polygamy because different people will make them feel differently about themselves and they can also appear different to different people.
Keep in mind that when you are a quad split you might most likely will need time to by yourself as well because you may feel overwhelmed by different energies especially when it comes to large crowds.
Okay guys so that’s a quick simple review of the definition in human design. If you have any questions or need me to elaborate on anything please put it down below in the comments and I will make sure to try to answer those as quickly as possible.
Also like I said make sure you like and subscribe and I look forward to the next lesson. Thanks guys.