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Finding the best place to live for health, happiness, & love

Finding Your Best Place to Thrive in Health, Happiness, & Love In this lesson, I delve into how your living environment impacts your life, drawing from environmental science, psychology, Human Design, and astrocartography. Discover how air quality affects physical health, green spaces boost mental well-being, and alignment with your surroundings enhances overall life satisfaction. Learn how to choose locations based on your astrological chart for…

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Twin Flames & Soulmates

Soulmates & Twin Flames

In this lesson, I take a deep dive into the origin stories behind the concepts of soulmates and twin flames. From Plato's Symposium to the teachings of Elizabeth Clare Prophet, I explore how these ideas have been adapted and misunderstood to fit the narrative around today’s relationship dynamics. I also examine the scientific perspectives around…

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Feeling All the Feels

Feeling All the Feels

Get ready for a raw and real talk. In this unscripted lesson, I'm opening up about the anger and frustration I've been feeling lately, how I'm learning to embrace my emotions fully, combat cognitive dissonance, and understanding what love truly is. I share vulnerably about my past relationships, suicide attempts, and my past journey with…

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Decisions, Decisions

Decisions, Decisions

This lesson is available on my YouTube channel via video. The transcript is below. Hey, guys. I know that my lessons can get pretty in-depth and kind of long, so I wanted to start a separate segment called A Little Less. Now this is going to focus on the science behind some of the topics…

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Awakening of the wolves

Awakening of the Wolves

When I first decided to launch Lessons of Charity, I thought I was ready to share what I had gone through in the last couple of years. I wanted to share what I experienced and what I learned as a way to guide humanity towards something better.

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